chip pitts
International attorney, academic (with teaching including advocacy, leadership, good governance, climate change, sustainability, CSR/BHR, and human rights in general), former technology industry executive and entrepreneur, activist and leader (board member, president, chair, CEO/president, General Counsel, advisor) of startup companies as well as various NGOs and multistakeholder initiatives including in the climate change/sustainability space, such as Fairtrade International, the I-SEAL Alliance (including e.g. Rainforest Alliance), and the UN Global Compact. Involved in many of the major global normative efforts in environmental and social sustainability over the past three decades. Drafted Nokia’s influential global code of conduct committing it to the highest standards of environmental compliance, human rights, anticorruption, and business ethics. Frequent delegate to UN World Conferences on sustainability and expert advisor/consultant to UN bodies and nonprofit as well as for-profit organizations, boards, and C-suite executives. Author of a pioneering CSR textbook as well as numerous publications in the field, testified before state legislatures, the US Congress, and foreign parliaments, and frequently delivered keynote or featured speeches at CSR, BHR, Sustainability, and Corporate Citizenship conferences around the world.
Online presentations preferred (so long as Covid persists).
Willing to travel within the DFW area generally for live presentations when that becomes clearly safe.
Ideal audience: No preference; open to addressing "beginner" audiences unfamiliar or possessing only passing familiarity with the issues, and those skeptical of the existence of human causes of climate change.
Experienced doing media interviews in print and broadcast media (have appeared on all the major US networks in the US, including Fox, as well as the BBC, Al Jazeera, and others abroad).
Key topics: climate change generally, human rights impacts, corporate social responsibility and business/human rights (social dimensions of sustainability), law/policy, advocacy, leadership, good governance, and the “business case” for climate action.
Contact Chip Pitts for a presentation: chip.pitts@att.net